Monday, April 27, 2009

Rob,oh Rob

So it would seem that some people are obsessing over his royal hotness Rob pattinson(no,no,no, I would never do that). I'm of course not one of those crazy fangirls who smiles everytime she sees him and thinks that he might be the most perfect guy on the planet right now. Okay so that last bit is slightly telling but nevertheless I am not completely crazy. I have been on some of the twilight fan sites and some Rob sites too and wow. The level of crazy fangirl rants is scary!!! My personal favorite site is LTR (letters to Rob) These ladies are sooo hilarious and on the chance that they may have google alerts set up to notify them when they are mentioned... here's a lil porn for ya~~~~~~~~>. MMhMM. So I find myself wondering though, why do we all love Rob so much? Is it because he portrays Edward Cullen, who is possibly the role model for the way men should behave in relationships? It certainly does up your status a bit. I think though that most people are attracted to Rob because he's more than that.
Let's just lay it out, he is brutally hot. More hot than any one man should be allowed to be. My husband is getting less and less tolerant of my school girl gushing moments when I see a new pic of him. More than that though, so much more. He's an artist, a musically gifted artist, he sings and plays several instruments, and writes his own music. Okay, honestly musicians are hot in their own right, it's like a given that if you are even remotely attractive and musically inclined you will have scores of girls drooling after you. Just look at the hideous toad of a lead singer for nickelback,even that guy gets girls. Most appealing to me though is the fact that he is obviously a teensy bit insane. He talks to himself outside of clubs, refuses to wash his hair(oh god the hair), and he generally seems to be disoriented and unaware of what's going on. I luvz me some crazies. So maybe people love him for all of those reasons, who knows. I just know that I would love to bone him til we died from exhaustion. It would be sooo worth it.

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